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4 tips on How and where to start a New Years fitness routine


Ah, here we are again. That inevitable time of year where the sun is setting on one year as the rise of a new one begins. A time where we might reflect on what happened over the last, incredibly fast, 12 months. A time for resolution setting, dream catching and new beginnings.

I'm not a fan of the "New Year, New Me" saying.

Like most extemporaneous goals and resolutions most of our New Year's hopes and dreams come to an end somewhere near mid-February. If you even make it that far. So much hope and wide sparkly anime eyes towards the future with little time actually thinking or visualizing how it might play out. A quick internet search on New Year fitness or exercise routines can easily result in the bombardment of websites, influencers, local fitness facilities, etc, trying to sell you New Year specials, deals or ideas. Some have alluring words such as "flat tummy," "loose arm flab," "one pill," and my personal favorite: "quick results." It is infuriating how frequent and resilient these catch phrases seem to attract good people looking for real results.

Sadly, like most things in life: It's not that easy nor fast. In real life, it takes around 6 weeks of movement and healthier eating choices to start noticing results of your effort. This is precisely why we fall off the wagon not even 10 weeks into our set resolutions. I have personally lived through the instinctual desire for fast and easy results. But the permanency of such actions is futile.

I'm not trying to bum you out or sound negative at all! This is just the truth about the majority of the "New Me's" come the new year. I am speaking from my own experience over many (too many) years. Some of my biggest resolutions included, but weren't limited to: healthier eating/drinking habits, being more financially responsible, being consistent with my exercise routine, being more positive! It only took me approximately 33 years plus becoming a mother to achieve the majority of those! (still working on spontaneous house plant purchases...)

In this post I am going to focus on the Top New Year Resolution of 2023, or basically any year for that matter: Focusing on Health and Exercise

To prevent myself from repetition throughout the rest of this post I want to start off with the K.I.S.S principle:

Keep It Simple Silly

When it comes to something like a health and wellness routine/adjustment it is tremendously individualized and subjective, and with all the information available it leads to one being easily overwhelmed.

Let's start from the top:

You go first. Prioritize yourself!

These are YOUR goals and dreams. And frankly, only YOU can achieve them. Most of our health/lifestyle resolutions will not be achieved without setting precedence. Whether that means setting your alarm clock to wake up a bit earlier, or hold off on binge watching that show for an extra half hour. If you set an appointment for yourself, say manicure, dr's appointment, even something mundane like insurance renewal, you make that time work. Why not prioritize yourself the same way?!

How much time you have? Less can be more.

What are your days looking like? Is there any time in the mornings before heading out? On your lunch break? After work or even after dinner? Can you utilized 60, 45, or even 20 minutes? If short on time, can you squeeze in two 15 minute sessions throughout the day? Studies are showing that even two 15-20 minute bouts of moderate to vigorous exercise is equivalent to an 60 minute power hour.

Which day of the week works best? Build routine.

Are you a weekend warrior? Or a weeknight wonder? No need to run with you head down and attempt every single day. That's a set up for guaranteed burn-out. If just starting out or perhaps it's been a while start somewhere more obtainable. Say 2-3 days a week. Remember, we're not going for 'fast results' as they are rarely achievable and never sustainable. By beginning to build a solid and eventually habitual routine you are setting a solid foundation for you health and wellness journey. Once it becomes more a second nature, like brushing your teeth or getting dressed in the morning, then you can slowly begin to add more days or longer sessions to your already wonderful routine.

Simple Movements. You won't even need a gym.

Going from couch to pistol squat is rarely realistic for a lot of people. But that doesn't mean completely out of reach! There are many moves to get you moving and building your foundation for future exercise success. And for most you don't need equipment or even to leave your room! Check out this post of 7 exercises you can do everyday to help you get started.

It is an exciting time of year and the aurora of new possibilities and beginnings is in the air. Believe and manifest in yourself this year and you WILL succeed!

Have a safe and Happy New Year, my friends!


Need help figuring out your goals or still unsure where to start? I am here for you! Shoot me a message and together we can determine your own personalized recipe to get you looking and feeling your best ❤️


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